Luke turned three on 9/9/13!
3 days old - sleepy baby, sleepy momma |
He is still my quiet child, but not in volume. He speaks when he needs to be heard and is loud if he is not heard. He has started repeating his brother in every way. Actions, words and deeds.
Favorite Food: Ritz Bitz
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Book: Cars Galore
Favorite Movie: Wreck It Ralph
Favorite Activity: Wrestling in 'daddy's bed'
Favorite Saying: "I say yes!" Said only when we tell him no...
Luke, you are such a sweet beautiful boy. Your smile and eyes make people fall in love instantly. And we truly believe you will always have the coolest hair in the family. You only let a few people close, but when you do, they are yours forever. I pray you keep your strong silent personality. Lord knows, the world needs more people like that.