I love Valentine's Day. I really do. And this year was no exception. The month prior I had a plan. A plan for a big family Valentine's Day. Lots of family activities with the boys, Valentine's food, love bags... my Pinterest was blowin' up.
Then I remembered...I am tired on Fridays. I mean dead dog tired. As the special day grew closer I found myself muttering cuss words whenever Pinterest crossed my mind.
My preacher has a unnerving way of making me feel like he wrote his sermon based around my life and what I need to learn that week. I was exhausted and exhaustion is brought on by my physical body trying to tell me to slow down, don't do so much, rest. Exhaustion isn't a part of God's plan for me. It's His way of saying...cool it chick.
So I made the teachers' presents easy on me, the boys' Valentine's to their friends were not 'handmade' but store bought, and cut my 'family' activities down by 1/3.
Teachers' Present
I did open Pinterest once for this. I knew I needed to get a present that I could buy while still sitting in the car with two kids 5 and under. And really, who doesn't like to splurge on a donut every now and then? (Sidebar: That person would be me. I took a 4 year hiatus from donuts until Valentine's morning. sick. as. a dog.)
Luke and Evan's teachers got little bags with heart shaped donuts in them. Even if they didn't get to eat them (which I know 2 of them did) they could take them home to someone they love. Evan's speciality teachers got a little red card with the donut attached. They mean a lot to Evan too!
Evan and Luke had a Valentine's party at school. Both boys had fun. Evan's highlight was opening all his Valentine cards. I witnessed the sweetest thing while watching 13 five year olds open their cards. Every time they opened a card, they actually read what it said! Amazing since I have known some of these kids since they weeks old. And then to top it off, after they read the card, the found that person and thanked them. All 13..every time they opened a card! Full disclosure, their teachers told them to make sure to thank the person who gave them a valentine way earlier in the day, but they remembered and actually did it!! Love how these ladies teach my kids not only the academics of the day but these amazing social and life skills.
Family Time
When we got home, the boys and I made heart cookies. They love helping when I bake and cookies are their absolute favorite! (yes, Evan is already in his PJs before 5pm. He lives in those things. First thing he does when he gets home.)

John, being the amazing husband he is, took the boys out to get me a Valentine. They brought home a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. John let Evan pick out the flowers! He did so good! Sweet boys. John is making sure these guys always take care of their momma.
My one true love
Now for my true Valentine - John. We usually don't do 'presents' on Valentine's Day. He almost always gets me flowers (which I tell him not to do) and takes me out. But we try to focus the celebration on us and give each other time. This Valentine's John broke the rules and bought me this amazing new yoga mat. Y'all, I know not a lot of people can appreciate this, but this mat literally changed my practice. If you are a runner, just think about that first run in those shoes that changed your foot alignment.
But more than that, John is attentive to me. He sees what makes me happy and what I love doing. He wants me to know he supports that and is proud of me.
We had an in house date night right at our kitchen table on Saturday night. We used to do these about once a month when Luke was younger and we couldn't leave him with a sitter. I think it really will be one of my favorite memories of when the kids were young. We get some snacky tapas type foods, light some candles, open some wine and just sit and talk while we eat. The dinner is never rushed. No one is asking us for more cheez its. We don't worry about getting homework done, etc. It's blissful.
But more than that, John is attentive to me. He sees what makes me happy and what I love doing. He wants me to know he supports that and is proud of me.
We had an in house date night right at our kitchen table on Saturday night. We used to do these about once a month when Luke was younger and we couldn't leave him with a sitter. I think it really will be one of my favorite memories of when the kids were young. We get some snacky tapas type foods, light some candles, open some wine and just sit and talk while we eat. The dinner is never rushed. No one is asking us for more cheez its. We don't worry about getting homework done, etc. It's blissful.
We have been sharing Valentine's Day since 1997. Our first Valentine's together has a hilarious story to it that I will save for another day, but let's just say, we are still to this day trying to love each other a little bit more each and everyday. And honey, it's working. I love you.