Most people know I am a teacher, but most people don't know I work 12 months a year. My job is at its busiest from May-August. The last month of school, summer and first of the school year are slammed for me. Some things have changed this year, and I couldn't really control it. Evan does not qualify for Little Georgie's anymore which was always my saving grace during the summer. Childcare on campus! Score! He's too old for that program, so I signed him up for as many camps as would take him. There were some weeks that it just didn't work out and there was no camp available. This was one of those weeks. So, when life handles you challenges...I want to try to make them into opportunities. We had "Mommy and Me" week and I don't want it to end.
After some social media requests, I found amazing things to do around this city for cheap and free! I have lived here my whole life, so I know the ins and outs for adults. Since I was looking to entertain a 4 year old, I considered myself a novice. We needed things pretty close to home, outdoors and before noon. Via
Facebook, I found East Memphis Moms'
blog. What an amazing resource! If you haven't liked her page on FB, go over there right now and check it out.
The week flew by! We did a lot of really exciting and fun things.

It was raining cats and dogs on Monday morning. We will got out and went to
Village Toymaker for
story time. She read
Surfer Chick, a story about a surfing chicken. It was cute, and Evan loves most all stories. They created a little craft with a coffee filter, markers and a spray water bottle. VTM gave them a snack and sent them out into the store. We were super excited to see Evan's classmate, Austin and his baby sister, Blake, at story time! Now, all this is free (reservation is required), but you try to get a 4 year old out of there without a toy! Luckily, Evan picked out a $2.99 bag of army men. They are currently having a battle in his room.
Malco shows 2nd run movies at 10am for $2. Austin and his sister, Blake, joined us again for the movie. Evan loved having a friend there with him! They watched "Over the Hedge". There was only one majorly disorganized part where a day camp of about 60 kids came in and they all got refreshments about 30 minutes after the movie started. It did not effect Evan (I am not sure he even noticed) but the disorganization of it drove the teacher part of me insane. Luckily after about 15 minutes things settled back down. I wouldn't have even known there were there. We went to daddy's office after the movie and he joined us for lunch at Back Yard Burger.
After a yummy breakfast, we met our friend Katie and her little boy Henry at the water park on Wednesday. We were truly blessed with beautiful weather this week!! Evan loved playing in the water and got really brave toward the end of the time. It took about 2 hours, but he finally ran under the big spitting snake. He was really proud of himself!
Evan helped cook my eggs Wednesday morning. |
Evan loved people watching while we were there! |
Thursday morning we spent some time at Cameron Brown park. I love that park. Evan and I walked the lake and watch the men fish. He is obsessed with fishing. I hate fish. I am dead serious...hate them. I have one phobia, irrational as it may be, it's still a phobia and it's of fish. Please someone came take my child fishing for me.
This man moved about 3 minutes after we sat down. I don't think he liked Evan's play by play...even if it was in a whisper. |
The playground rocks over there and we played several rounds of chase and spent a while on the swings.
For lunch, we were able to reunite some of the Lunch Ladies. A couple had to work and couldn't make it. :( But we had a great time with the ones who did make it. 5 mommas, 5 kiddos and 3 hours of fun.
LC and Evan just chillin' outside! |
Daddy got to join in on the fun! There was a rousing game of 'Go Fish' played. Team Evan and Mommy brought Daddy down with just one card left in his hand! We then headed to the pool where Evan was the only one to brave the water. It was just too cold for these old fogies. After an hour and a half at the pool, we went to the mall for lunch. Evan did so good at the restaurant. We haven't gone out to eat in probably 6 months. Luke just isn't at an age where being strapped into a high chair for 45 minutes is a possibility, so we stay in. It was really nice to sit at
Bonefish enjoy lunch with Evan. The waitress thought Evan was so cute! She brought him 'glowing' water. I really wish I could have taken a picture of his face when that came to the table for him. I know Luke will get there (I really don't want to wish his toddler-hood away) but I am really looking forward to taking both boys out to eat. Grandmom made a surprise visit while we were browsing the bookstore, and as most grandmom's do, she spoiled him with a little goodie. He really did deserve a little happy for what a good boy he's been all week.

This week has been fun. I have caught myself say again and again (inside my own head), "I could really get use to this" but I know God designed me to be a working momma. I love my job, love love love my job, but it will never replace my family. My family always comes first. God blessed me while a job that undersands and values that. When I was planning my summer, I really saw a lot of challenges with our schedule. I am so happy to have had the opportunity to spend the whole week with E! And guess what? I get to do it all over again in a couple of weeks. :)