There is too much to write in one post, but I think I'll hit some highlights.
1. Moving sucks.
2. I don't want to ever move again.
3. I will live in this house forever, God willing.
We signed on Monday afternoon and started moving Tuesday. We were completely out of the house by Wednesday night. It took 10 hours (with movers), two moving trucks, countless (possibly 20 or more) trips with John and my car, and a day and a half off of work to get our entire house emptied and another house filled. But please don't discount the 4 months it took to get the house ready! This was a long process.
The 2 weeks after we moved are pretty hazy, but my own personal goal was not to mess up the kids routine very much. While we were home as a family, we did things we also do. We made dinner, played with toys, went outside, but once they were in bed it was game on! I think this really helped the boys transition to the new house. They are in love with it! Evan calls the attic the "master room" and Luke loves the open space downstairs. Both boys are having a big time running around the backyard. Here is a short clip of Evan telling you about the new house. It's a little rambly (we had literally just woken up and hadn't left bed yet) but I think you'll get the gist.
We have been in the house 6 weeks and there are still boxes to be unpacked and rooms to finish. We'll get there...later than sooner, but we'll get there.
There is one story that I would like to remember from this experience. We were negotiating with the new buyers (of our old house) and I was becoming very agitated. I was being very emotional about my old house. We lived in that house for 10 years. We started our marriage within those walls. I spent a lot of time mourning loved ones lost in those rooms. I brought my first and second baby home from the hospital to that house. I was emotional about it. I laid the floors. I dug the pool. I completely transformed the exterior, paint, landscaping, etc. Sigh. I expected people to be able to see all that when they walked in. They just saw a house, not my home.
I love my relator and trust my husband so when they said we needed to take the deal on the table, I did. I wasn't happy about it though. I prayed a lot for God to change my heart. I told people I was leaving it in His hands. If it was supposed to work it would. I said all those things, but had trouble actually believing them for myself. Just to be clear, I heard very clearly this was what I was supposed to do, but just didn't feel it in my heart. I knew I had to do it and I knew why, but I wasn't happy about it. It was a matter of trusting vs. believing. I trusted God would take care of us, but did I actually believe that His way was the correct way? On one random day I got a random phone call to go on a random errand. I didn't plan on going to that store on that day, but needed one specific item. I ran into someone who knew the person buying my house. She was literally standing right in front of the item I needed. I haven't seen this person in close to 15 years. God lead me straight to her to hear this story. We talked for about 15 minutes and she shared the story of the family buying my house. I don't want to go into long details about her story, but to say it change my perspective is an understatement. God does that to me quite a bit. Even if I am going along with His plan, sometimes I still need a quick kick in the shin to appreciate/trust His plan. It's always the right way, the right choice at the right time. Always. I am not sure how long it is going to take, how many lessons I need to learn to get that in my thick skull.
I hope she is enjoying my old house as much as I did those 10 years. Here's to 10 years of new memories!
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