Sunday, September 16, 2012
Fall Life
Fall is a super busy time around here, but the cooler temperatures make up for the busyness.
Evan started soccer last week. This is his first organized sport. He is on the team with two St. George's friends an four other new friends. There are 8 teams in the group and everyone has at least one or two St. George's friends. So he'll be playing other classmates during the season. This organization obviously just teaches the basic skills of soccer; no using your hands, keep the ball in bounds, and if you are lucky, kick it in the goal.
We also went to Tough Enough on Friday. This is a big pep rally for both campuses of the Lower School at SGIS. There are carnival games, tattoo stations, hair and face painting and refreshments. Evan kept calling it "the big party." He had a lot of fun. One of the main events is the races. All the kids from the grade level run the length of the soccer field. He was smiling and laughing the whole way down. I am so thankful he didn't view it as a 'race' but just doing something he loves - running with his friends.
3, 2, 1
It looks like we are adding one more person to Luke's exhaustive list of therapist. He now needs food therapy. I don't know whether to laugh or cry or give my child to someone who can parent better than me.
At Luke's 6 month evaluation meeting we were setting new goals. TEIS is amazing. I can't say enough about this program. Even though he is seen for speech, I can set goals for anything. So we started talking about his eating. I told them he was picky, and a lot of times his dinner will consist of 5 bites of something and then he's done. When we discussed it some more, I ended up breaking down crying because I feel like this is somehow my fault. As a mother, food is an emotional thing for me. I want my kids to eat and when they don't I take it to heart. I am actually this way with everyone. When people come to my house I want them to eat. I fix food for the masses when we entertain and the WORST thing that could happen is we run out of food. Luke's case worker, his speech therapist and myself dove more into the issue and decided it might be an OT thing, so they called for a formal EI eval.
She evaluated him couple weeks ago, and we had a phone interview after. That's when I realized this might just be more than him being picky. The thing that caught me off guard was when she said, "Is he just picky or does he refuse entire groups of food?" I started listing the entire GROUPS of food he refuses. And he just doesn't refuse, most of the time he gets upset if they are even on his plate.
Veggies - cooked, raw, steamed, sauteed, anyway they come
Fruits - if it's wet, he won't touch it. All fresh fruit and canned fruit is wet.
Meat - never eaten a meat, not even chicken nuggets since 6 months.
Pasta - won't touch any pasta dry or with sauce, no spaghetti, no mac and cheese, no plain noodles, no pizza
Cheese - no dip, no stick, no slice
What we figured out was if it was dry and crunchy, he'll eat it. Freeze dried fruits - not dried - freeze dried and only if they are apples. Yogurt - but only strawberry and vanilla. Any cracker type food - ritz, teddy grahams, goldfish, cheez it, flipz, and most cereals.
So he is refusing entire food groups. She asked me all sort of questions about other OT stuff, which I don't think is the issue. She told me no matter what he scores on the Peabody (their standardized test) he'll definitely need to be seen for eating/food therapy.
He comes from a long line of picky eaters. John was picky when he was younger. I was picky when I was younger. Evan is picky and still doesn't eat veggies or most fruits consistently. He is doing much better since I added "Try new foods" to his star chart. Another thing I love about four - they are easily bribed! I digress, he gets being picky naturally. We aren't picky now. We have tons of variety in our house. He gets offered new foods all the time. He just doesn't eat them.
Sigh...I don't know. It's so hard and so emotional for me. I don't know what to do. I know the food/eating therapy will help, but I just feel like the poor guy can't catch a break. These therapist are amazing amazing people. It's that he needs three therapist in his life at two years old that tugs at my heart.
3 therapist, 2 years, 1 child
I completely abide by the philosophy that it takes a village to raise a child. I just happen to have 3 professional therapist in my village. I love my village.Sunday, September 9, 2012
Oh 'Two'dles!!
My sweet baby boy turns two today. As all parents of small children say, "Where did the time go?"
My little family of four has gone from this in 2010...
To this in 2011...
And now this...
Luke Asbell, it has been a fast two years, but I wouldn't change a thing. You make our family complete. Even at two I can see your little personality shine through. While you might be our little introvert, you still love to spread joy. Those sweet little shy smiles, belly laughs, and beautiful little slight curls make anyone fall in love with you. You beam when you know people are smiling because of you.
Luke's Oh 'Two'dles birthday was a great success. The only thing Mickey Mouse about it was the decorations, but again, he's two. He was just happy that all the people he loves in one place. The new toys didn't hurt either. We do very small family birthday parties for the kids until they are 4 and can better grasp what a birthday party actually is. Gran, Jed, Grandmom, and our close family friends; Terry, Angela, Gemma, Bill, Emmy, Parker and Lila all got to come celebrate with Luke.
The evening started with a game of baseball with Gran and Hotwheels with Grandmom.
Once we ate dinner, picnic style for the kids, Luke opened some presents with the help of his brother and friends.
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Lila showing Luke how the helicopter works. |
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I absolutely LOVE all their faces in this picture. |
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These noisemakers might not have been my brightest idea....OY! |
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Wasn't too excited about blowing out the candles. |
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Grandmom and her boys! |
Happy Birthday Luke!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
That Dangerous Prayer
In the Spring of 2011, I was really searching for a fit within my church. John was playing in the worship band and had been getting amazing fulfillment from serving with his gift.
I was just getting by but I also was working full time with 6 month old and a 3 year old. I loved the music, sermons and little interaction I had with the people of The Stirring, but always sat on the outside. I decided to do something about that. I prayed for God to use me. It is a dangerous prayer. One you need to pray about before actually saying. I had always heard that if you pray to be used, God will open many doors for you to serve Him. I just need to hear the knock.
I was just getting by but I also was working full time with 6 month old and a 3 year old. I loved the music, sermons and little interaction I had with the people of The Stirring, but always sat on the outside. I decided to do something about that. I prayed for God to use me. It is a dangerous prayer. One you need to pray about before actually saying. I had always heard that if you pray to be used, God will open many doors for you to serve Him. I just need to hear the knock.
I got several nos from God when trying to find my way. At first I tried to start a women's bible study. That didn't work. Then I tried joining a small group within Hope. That didn't work either (all because of my schedule, not the people). Two very clear nos. I remember driving home one day talking to God and finally just said, "Use me how You desire for Your will." Within a week we got a call to be a part of the leadership team. We spent a week praying about it and decided it was a great opportunity.
Since that first meeting in April 2011, I haven't slowed down.
It has been an amazing journey to participate in Stirring events and help plan big services like Maundy Thursday, 10th anniversary, Christmas and now The Big Move. I volunteer alongside some amazing people who God uses in the most special way.
I am so blessed God told me no so I could wait for His better plan. My church doesn't try to poach members from other churches. Our goal is plain and simple. We are a church for the unchurched. We are a place for anyone who has been burned, let down, or disappointed sometime in their past by a church. Now, we aren't going to turn you away if you want a Sunday night service to add with your Sunday morning service! But what I am asking of you, all my readers, is to come visit. Because once you see what The Stirring is made of, you might know exactly the person who needs us. Once you hear the music, you might think of that one person who never knew rock and roll could fit in a church. Once you see an artist on stage creating a piece from his/her worship, you might think of that once person who is moved by art. Once you hear Eli speak....well, then you'll really know why we had to move to the big room. :) No seriously, you might think of that one friend or family member that needs to hear his encouraging words.
This church service changed my life. It saved me from just attending church to worshipping at church. I hope it changes yours or someone you know's life too. Come see us this Sunday at 5:30 at Hope. You might even recognize a couple people on stage. ;)
Just an FYI - this was the second blog post I ever wrote. It sat and sat and sat in my drafts. I think now, with our move to the main sanctuary was the best time to publish it.
It has been an amazing journey to participate in Stirring events and help plan big services like Maundy Thursday, 10th anniversary, Christmas and now The Big Move. I volunteer alongside some amazing people who God uses in the most special way.
This church service changed my life. It saved me from just attending church to worshipping at church. I hope it changes yours or someone you know's life too. Come see us this Sunday at 5:30 at Hope. You might even recognize a couple people on stage. ;)
Just an FYI - this was the second blog post I ever wrote. It sat and sat and sat in my drafts. I think now, with our move to the main sanctuary was the best time to publish it.
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