This year, I feel like Halloween was met with as much excitement as Christmas! There were tons of decorations around the neighborhood and excitement with the boys. We waited to carve the pumpkin because of the temperatures. John told the boys the only way he’d carve the pumpkin was if they cleaned it.
Side note….I prayed for a long long time that God would bless me with boys. I really didn’t feel like I would do good with the drama that usually comes with girls. I mean, I am dramatic, but there is a difference between the two. I don’t do drama very well. God laughed and then gave me Evan…the most dramatic little boy ever.
We lucked up with costumes. On a Costco trip Evan fell in love with a ninja costume. This was a huge score because a) it was $15 and b) ninjas were not cool 6 months ago. As we were looking, we asked Luke what he wanted to be. He promptly answered without a beat Spider-Man. Guess what Luke was last year…yup…Spider-Man. Score again! The adult Asbells were feeling quite lucky at this point.
Both boys dressed up several times before Halloween. What’s a good costume if you can’t wear it a bunch?! They also loved telling everyone they saw what they were going to be. Luke would shout Spider-Man at the top of his lungs and Evan would go into some ninja like move while telling people about their costume.
Both boys had great Halloween parties. Luke got to eat a spoonful of icing and Evan had a whole hour of fun. The parents did a great job organizing these events. I am very lucky that all I have to do is walk down the hall to get to the events.
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This is our scary face!! |
Friday night came and it was cold….I mean COLD! With a full belly and the excitement at an all time high, we trooped upstairs to put on our costume. But low and behold, Luke had changed his mind. After WEEKS of telling everyone he came in contact with that he was going to be Spider-Man!! He literally sat in the middle of the hallway with his arms crossed and said “I not going to be Pider-Man.” I took one look at him and immediately said “JOOOOOOOHN…come deal with this.” 99% of the time he has more patience with this kind of thing. I tend to be too strict.
If I had been alone, it probably would have gone down like this:
Luke: I not going to be Pider-Man.
Me: Then you NOT going trick or treating.
Luke: *lays in the floor and screams and cries*
Me: **Walk away until he decides Spider-Man is good enough to wear or he falls asleep because SURELY this manic episode is induced by lack of sleep.**
And the boys really ask why I dress up like a witch every year….
But that is why God sent me John Asbell. John picks up Luke and takes him to the closet. He presents Luke with all of his choices, otherwise known as, all the old Halloween costumes. Luke, with great excitement, tells us he is going to be IronMan! Well great….Halloween hasn’t been cancelled. Candy for everyone!!
The Lawsons came over to trick or treat with us. Gemma was the cutest little Mike Wazowski. Quinn also joined us for tricks and treats! Since I wasn’t feeling 100% John volunteered to take the boys trick or treating. Have I mentioned how spoiled I am???
When they came running back to the house only 50 minutes later, my first question was “What’s wrong?? What happened?” I expected them to be gone much much long. John explained that the boys participated in some sort of speed trick or treating spiriting from house to house. Sure enough, their buckets were full and they had rang almost every doorbell.
The boys delighted in dumping all their candy on the counter and comparing treats. I, of course, let them have too much candy, but hey – the day only comes around once a year.
I am pretty sure, like last year, we’ll have candy until April.
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