This week was full of celebrations!
Evan celebrated his 100th day of JK with a big party. The mothers in this group do an amazing job planning these events.
They decorated pencil boxes, made necklaces, got their face painted, ate cupcakes (or just the icing in my son's case), played musical chairs, went fishin' and played bean bag toss.
You try getting 50 four year olds looking the same way at the same time. Yeesh!

On Friday, we had our Friday night dates over - The Lawsons. :) We are very fortunately to have best friends who live so very close and like coming over for a super casual dinner in a messy house that contains wild, excited, over-stimulated kids. And of course, Evan loves Gemma.
Saturday brought our little socialite, Ethan's birthday party at SkyZone. He had a blast. He jumped and jumped and jumped. I was a little jealous, to be honest. They do have an aerobics class they offer on the trampoline and you can drop your kid off the jump as well, but in the end it would cost $35. That's an expensive class (but I bet fun). More importantly, Evan overcame his fear of the foam pit! I am trying to dismiss the flu virus that must be all over those foam pieces in the spirit of my son's adventurous side...but ew.
Saturday night our friend's the Lees came over. Lyles just turned 2 and the boys had a blast with her! It was like she was a new toys. Evan took his role as the 'big kid' very seriously and was watching out after her. At one point John went to check on them and Evan was in Luke's crib, Lyles and Luke were in front of the crib. Lyles and Luke would throw a toy into the crib at Evan and Evan would throw it back. At one point they had every single toy and book in Luke's room in that crib. I will let you just guess who was the ring leader of that event.
This picture cracks me up. Luke is watching Lyles and Lyles is watching Evan's sucker. LOL!
On Sunday Evan's classmate and friend Lila came over while her mom and dad had some errands to run. Again, Evan was on cloud nine! Luke just loved saying her name. He has the L sound mastered. All throughout the house we'd hear Luke saying, "Liiiiilaaaa".
Evan and Lila must have been talking about their bikes at school because Lila was super excited to be able to ride bikes with Evan. Evan has been less than enthusiastic about bike riding lately because it doesn't come very easy. He's not very versed in the discipline of practicing. But a little peer pressure was just what he needed. By the end of their playdate, Evan had mastered starting (the biggest hurdle) stopping and even turning!
Evan and Lila must have been talking about their bikes at school because Lila was super excited to be able to ride bikes with Evan. Evan has been less than enthusiastic about bike riding lately because it doesn't come very easy. He's not very versed in the discipline of practicing. But a little peer pressure was just what he needed. By the end of their playdate, Evan had mastered starting (the biggest hurdle) stopping and even turning!