Sunday, April 7, 2013

To be the mother of boys

I know every kid is unique, has their own quirks, their own personalities, but as I grow deeper in this role of a mother of boys, I have found some things out that I didn't know. I came from a family of girls. My poor dad was out numbered, and I think he secretly loved it.

Boys need nature. I would argue all children need nature, but I am talking about my boys today. I dread rainy cold days. My boys' moods are a direct reflection of if they have been able to get outside. But the nature does something else for them. It is their form of creativity. I hear stories of how little girls will sit a color forever. My boys will color...for a short minute, but drawing with a stick?? They could do that for hours. I know there are studies and books that talk about the positive effects of children in nature. I don't need to read them. I live it.
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You don't buy pants over $8 because if they are playing right, they will be destroyed in minutes.
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They will always try to lift something 3x their size. I think this continues into adulthood.
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They can become gentlemen. I just can't possibly believe the old adage "all guys are jerks". I have known too many good guys in my life. I truly believe, when given a good role model, when taught that a girls are special, and when taught God's love, a gentleman can be made.
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There is a little super hero and rock star in each boy. All boys want to save the world and protect people from the bad guys or rock out. Possibly both at the same time.
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Anything is a gun. Before kids (or when I lived in a dreamland) I said, "We will NOT have toy guns in our house!" Well, what no one said to me is anything can become a gun. Legos, crackers, a stick. We had guns in our house before I even thought Evan knew what a gun was. So I had to change my strategy, as I do most times when I learn how wrong I was about parenting. Now our guns can never point at people or animals. 
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Jumping is a sport. They jump off things, on things, on two feet, on one foot. They jump when they eat. They jump when they have to pee. Boys love to jump. My two will jump and not even realize it. 
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Last and definitely not least, there is something special about boys and their mommas. Everyone did tell me this, but I had no idea what they meant until I had my boys. A boy and their momma....there isn't anything like it.
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