Sunday, April 27, 2014

Holy Week

When Holy Week falls on the same week as Evan’s birthday AND we are playing a Spring sport with 1-3 games a week….things get interesting around the Asbell house.

But we voluntarily signed up for everything we are involved in, so you won’t hear me complaining. Holy Week and Easter for our family really revolve around Maundy Thursday. This is The Stirring’s big Easter service. Months of prep, agonizing, worrying and planning go into this service and every year it is worth it. This year was no exception. It was a beautiful service with a deep message and I am honored to be a part of it.

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We had a big neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. We are so lucky to live in a family friendly neighborhood, and it's still growing!! Evan and Luke had a blast and it was good to see everyone after the hibernation of winter.

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Easter Sunday we like to spend with our family eating and hunting and enjoying each other. The boys woke up early and found their baskets. They immediately each brought their toy into our room begging us to open it. We could barely open our eyes being that is was 6:00am, let alone open a toy. I muttered something about scissors and ever eager Evan ran to get them. Six yearold…running with scissors. Should I start preparing my Mom of the Year speech?? They did hold off on the egg hunt though, patient little nuggets. As soon as John and I emerged they were off and ready. Evan is too fast while hunting for the me catch him on camera. Luke on the other hand is the perfect speed. I mean, I don’t think I can have enough pictures of their little hands picking up the eggs! GAH! Cuteness!

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We then got to spend part of our Easter morning eating brunch with John’s mom. Her and Charlie always make a delicious spread for us! The boys had yet another hunt in her backyard. The weather was perfect and the company was even better.

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