Monday, July 7, 2014

The Beach Series Part 2: Evan and the Ocean

Evan took to the ocean like a fish. I can say I was pleasantly surprised. Evan is my cautious child. He likes to know where everyone is. He likes when his family is all close. He wants everyone to be safe. So when he took off into the ocean like it was a swimming pool, I can say I literally stood there with my mouth agape.

I guess ignorance is bliss for the little guy. #istillhatefish

Evan quickly made some new friends on the beach. He had one particular boy, Mason, who he sought out everyday. Mason was 11, but "small for his age" (his words not mine) and very adventurous in the ocean. Mason and Evan went boogie boarding, caught fish together, and learned the art of burying a body in the sand. If I ever lost sight of Evan, I always found myself looking for Mason to find Evan.

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This is not uncommon for E. He is the kind of kid who would go into the white stranger danger van without candy or puppies as an incentive. He just doesn't know a stranger. (Disclaimer: if you are a white stranger danger van owner, I apologize for the stereotype. If you are the stranger in the white stranger danger van, please get off my blog.)

He loved everything about vacation. At one point we had this conversation:

Evan: I wish I could live at the beach.
Me: Yeah, that would be nice, but we have our house and our school and our friends and mommy and daddy's jobs all back in TN.
Evan: Well I could go to another school.
Me: What about your friends?
Evan: They can come visit me.
Me: Well honey, mommy and daddy's jobs are in TN. We gotta work.
Evan: You can get a new job!
Me: What would I do?
Evan: You could work in construction and change your name to Gill. Daddy can still be John.
Me: .....
John: sputter sputter laugh laugh laugh
Me: {evil eye to John}
John: cough cough
Me and John: Howling laughter

I mean...where does he even come up with these things??

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