Did you notice the very subtle difference in the title. It's not Luke AND the ocean. It's Luke VS. the ocean. And it went down...just like that.
If I am being 100% honest, Luke shocked me the most. This kid hates when grass gets between his toes. Certain tags drive him nuts. I didn't think a sandy beach was going to be his cup of tea. But he took to it like...well...a little boy. :)

He rolled in the sand, was buried in the sand, jumped in the waves, knocked down sand castles. But much to my dismay, the kid loved the ocean the most. #didimentionihatefish The first two days he took to the ocean with great confidence. He laid in the tide. He let the waves rush on his lap. He jumped in the big waves. He fell down, a lot, which means I was about 2 feet from him at all times. The second morning, my eyes were focused on Evan for about 2 seconds. Long enough for a wave to not only knock him down, but pull him completely under and drag him. It wasn't far and it wasn't along, but it was enough to teach him the ocean was dangerous. We coughed it out on the beach, and snuggled under the umbrella, but he was done. The next couple of trips to the beach, Luke didn't really want anything to do with the ocean or the sand to be honest. He constantly pressed us to go back to the pool.
Knowing it wasn't worth the battle (choose those battles, mommas!) one of us took him back to the pool. Come to find out, he had acquired two little girlfriends that he liked to meet at the pool. These two sweet teenagers thought Luke was so very cute (he is) and loved playing with him. Every time we even thought about passing the pool, he would look for them. If he actually found them, there was no way to tear him away. And I think those baby blues had the girls mesmerized anyway. John and I joked that we were going to have to pay them a babysitting rate by the end of the week.
By Thursday, Luke was ready to try the ocean again. The reconnection started off slowly. He wasn't fully ready to trust the big mighty sea. He wouldn't go in past his knees. Once John offered to carry him, he decided it mustn't be so bad. He spent at least half an hour with John. I traded off and held him for a while. #stillhatefish He had a ball! He also kept saying "I don't see any fishies" over and over. I think his daddy convinced him to say that the entire time I held him to keep me out there. Smooth move John. Anytime Luke wanted to go back in the ocean he would say "Take care!! Take care!!" while waving his arms up at us, which I translated into "You have to take care of me in here! Pick me up now woman!"

I am glad he got over his fear from the beginning of the week and went back to sea. He's my brave little boy!
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