Thursday, March 5, 2015


This winter has been pretty brutal for most of our north eastern friends. Down here in the South we did get a week of 'snice' (which is snow/ice...but mostly ice) that took us out of school for three days in February. We made the most of it and brought out our 'sled', which can double as a cookie sheet when needed, and had fun!

So much fun, Evan wanted to write about it in the first grade newspaper!
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But in true Memphis bi-polar weather, the real snow came in March, just days before Spring Break. The storm was predicted to pack so much power, the Weather Channel named it Thor. No need to head to Kroger for bread and milk. I was ready with the real necessities. Bring it, Thor.

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And Thor set him hammer down! This stuff was the real deal! Fluffy and white and cold....
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We are terrifically lucky to have one of Evan's best friends live in the neighborhood. Him and Quinn spent seven hours together!

We made snow cream. They boys were really excited to help, but not so excited to eat it. They all vetoed the dessert and went straight for the real ice cream.
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After working alllllll day in his office (I literally mean alllll day), Daddy finally got to join us for the snow fun!

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