Easter is always a hugely busy time for us, but I love it.
This year I helped organized the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. It was freezing, but there were so many happy kiddos! Sadly, because it was so cold, not many people hung around after the brunch buffet (including my own kiddos). BUT, you guys know how I love a tradition.
Then was the school Easter Egg hunts. Because my dear friend who usually plans them was on maternity leave, I took over that job. Again, the weather was against me and we had to move them all inside. But again, there were still many happy kids.
Then we had Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday is always a big event at The Stirring. This year we did a tableau of the last supper, but with current people you might see in your life now. We wanted to show how Jesus was walking with His people. The hurt, the forgotten, the faithful, the everyone. Big props to Disciple Design for taking pictures.
Then we finally finally got to Easter. The boys loved waking up to the Easter Bunny's special note. We spent several...um...minutes hunting the eggs he left for us.

We then headed to Grandmom's where the Easter Bunny made ANOTHER stop for the boys. #spoilt Grandmom and Pawpaw Charlie never disappoint when it comes to Easter dinner either. YUMZ! The boys even ate some!! Big day around here.

The boys love love love searching Grandmom's backyard for more Easter Eggs. This time the eggs had money in them! Of course, the teacher in me couldn't help herself and made Evan count all his money before the could accept it. :P And don't worry, Luke had to identify all the coins and tell me what they were worth. Thankfully, Grandmom didn't put one of Charlie's prized coins in the eggs this year.

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