Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sweets for our sweets!

We love sharing the love around here and Valentine's was just the holiday to do that.
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Asbell Valentine's Day family photo
First, we worked on Valentine's for our friends at school. Last year, Evan just had to write his name. This year, he wrote his classmates names and signed his name. He was up to the task and did it all in one sitting. We took a 'kiss' break halfway through and ate a couple kisses. :)

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For Evan's Valentine's, every child got a little baggie with a bouncy ball and a couple of kisses. The card on the top said, "Valentine - you make my heart bounce!" Total Pinterest steal.  Luke gave play-doh. There are several kids with allergies in his class and I thought I was keeping it safe. Apparently play-doh has wheat!!! Total mommy fail.

We then made heart shaped cupcakes for our teachers. I found this mold for $2 at target and couldn't pass it up. Evan, my little chef, loved helping! And as any good mom should do, I let him lick the beaters after we were all done. :)

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I finished the cupcakes up late Sunday night after the boys went to bed. Aren't the cute!!
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Valentine's cards arrived in the mail from family this week. Evan loved opening and studying the cards.  Luke,'s going to take some time to appreciate them. :)

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It is INSANE to me to think that John and I have spent SEVENTEEN Valentine's Days together. 10 as married people, but seventeen total. And he has made every single one of them special. I received roses at school on Tuesday, yes, a little early. John is thoughtful that way. He wanted me to be able to enjoy them at work for longer than a day and a half. It really made a difference in my office this week and was a total surprise. 
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I surprised him with a dinner out on Saturday. The entire date was supposed to be a surprise, BUT I had to clue him in about 3 weeks in advance because he was planning something for Valentine's weekend. I had already made the reservations and secured the babysitter! So, I had to tell him we had a date, but the location was a surprise. 
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We ate at Ruth Chris Steak House. In our 17 years together we have only been there once and I knew they were known for their steaks, one of John's favorite foods that he doesn't treat himself to very often. It took him 3 or 4 clues to guess where were going. 
1. It is in East Memphis.
2. They specialize in one of your favorite foods.
3. We haven't been there since we've had kids and possibly since we've been married.
4. The name of the restaurant is two words.
We were about 2 minutes from the restaurant before he guessed it! Thank goodness, because he was driving! 

I love sharing love! I hope my kids grow up knowing that giving love on this day is just as, if not, more important than receiving. 

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