**This is the story I told Evan and Luke before we opened presents.**
Christmas morning I woke up and couldn't find my phone. This isn't an anomaly because I lose my phone about 15 times in an hour. But this morning, I really needed it because it was Christmas morning! I needed to take pictures. So I went on the search.
I found my phone sitting right beside the plate of cookies we left out for Santa. That made perfect sense since it was the last thing I did on Christmas Eve! But when I picked it up I noticed there were chocolate chip smudges on the screen. Almost like someone who had been eating a cookie had touched it. When I opened my phone, I noticed it went straight to the camera. Weird...
But I started thinking...my phone was by the cookies...it looked smudged...the camera was the last thing that was open. If the camera was the last thing open, what was the last picture taken? My mind was swirling with possibilities. What if Santa accidentally took a picture when he was moving my phone to get cookies??
With shaking hands, I clicked on the photos icon. There it was. A video. The last thing taken on my camera. Now I know for a fact, on Christmas Eve, I did not take a video of anything (for reasons you'll understand when you are older Evan. Around the 1am mark, nobody needs to be videoing anything). When I clicked on the video, I saw our Christmas tree, with our presents, in the complete dark. But there was one additional thing. Santa. Santa was right there in front of our tree digging through his sack and putting out presents. OUR presents! On Christmas Eve night!

Now there is only one explanation I have for this. Santa must have been moving my phone to get to the cookies. When he did, he accidentally turned it on with a quick swipe of his hand. My phone has this neat feature where you can swipe up and automatically turn on the camera. When it was sitting on the table, it caught Santa!!
We have to be one of the very lucky ones to have accidentally caught Santa. We know this is a very special thing and would never tried to 'catch' him on purpose because we know Christmas magic is real. If we ever tried to trick Santa, Christmas magic wouldn't let it happen. But magic is just what it is. Christmas magic will live forever in our hearts.
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