Monday, September 5, 2016

Play Ball!!

Evan played Spring Ball this year with quite literally the BEST coaches I have ever seen in my life.
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Coach Dee pitching while Evan waits to run home.
I love watching Evan play baseball. I love it. I love watching him cheer on his teammates. I love watching him focus while batting. I love watching him in the outfield practicing his throws (and not focusing...). I love that he knows he loves the outfield and asks his coaches to put him there. I love that he loves to win, but loves the play more.

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He's played baseball for 4 seasons straight. When I told him it was time to sign up for fall ball, his face fell.

He needed a break.

I didn't understand. He loved baseball. He loved games. He even loved practice. I didn't understand, but I didn't question him. I simply told him, if you don't want to play this don't have to.

He told me, "I know you will be disappointed, but I just don't want to play this season."

My heart broke. Not because he didn't want to play, but because he thought I was going to be disappointed. You have to understand...I am not a 'soccer mom'. I go to games. I cheer when he's batting. I post pictures about once a season on Facebook. I don't give him advice outside of practices and games. I don't hire personal trainers to help his swing. I don't make him practice in the backyard.

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So I was confused why he was so worried about me. But again, that's who God made Evan to be. My kid who is more concerned with other people's feelings than his own at times.

And Lord knows I don't need a kid burned out of a sport by the age eight....

So we are trying some new things. Drums, possibly swim team, possibly karate. Whatever fuels his passion fuels me.

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