Day 2 brought us Hollywood Studios, which was awarded the prestigious title of "Mommy and Luke's favorite park."
Use the force!!!
We hit the ground running...literally. Like I got in trouble from a 'cast member' for running. But I had to!! It was Jedi Training day!
At Hollywood, you can sign your child up to participate in Jedi Training (warning...MAH-JOR picture dump in later in this post). I was so nervous about not getting there in time. The park officially opens at 9am, but we got there at 8:30, and they had already opened the gate! I, as usual, chose the LONGEST line, and we had trouble with the kid magic bands. I literally was almost in tears by the time we arrived at the training sign up. After waiting close to half an hour, we secured a 2:00pm show!! Yahooo!
While we were waiting, some Storm Troopers came around to check the boys identification.
Notice how Luke takes a step back...and stays back. He's no dummy.
First up was Tower of Terror. Now I had shown the kids a video of Tower of Terror, from the inside before we went to Disney. I also compared it to the flight when the plane sometimes drops a little.
Uhhhh, sorry guys. Mommy put some more money in your therapy fund for you.
Our 'terrified face' pre-ride. We were all smiles going up!!
So, to sum up...Tower of Terror fans in the Asbell clan - 1 (me!!). Asbells who hated it - 3 (everyone else). We still got some smiles outside the ride.
And then to add insult to injury, Evan and John rode the Rockin' Roller Coaster. Evan came out crying...and being carried by John. It wasn't our finest Disney moment.
We made up for it by riding Toy Story Mania. Everyone loved it! Daddy was the high scorer, but Luke was the real winner. It was his favorite ride!
We stopped by to say HI to some Star Wars characters. While we waited, the boys totally geeked out over Star Wars gear.
We then got to meet KyloRen and BB-8. Kylo Ren did not like Evan's shirt and tried to bring Luke over to the dark side. I might have muttered that he was already there. Gotta admit Kylo Ren intimidated me! They boys didn't say much while meeting him.
BB-8 was more my speed. He was super cute and very chatty. Luke told him he was his favorite.
This got us ready for Star Tours!! This simulation puts you on a Star Wars ship that's being chased through the galaxy. This was awarded "Evan's and Daddy's favorite ride at Hollywood." Luke said it was his favorite with Toy Story.
We had a quick lunch of pure Disney junk food (the best!) before getting ready for Jedi Training! While they were briefing the boys on the rules, fight Darth Vadar and don't' snap your robe closed, Daddy and I played around in a nearby shop. Indiana Jones eat your heart out. John says it looks better on him. I don't think so.
The little Jedi's got their robes and headed to the training stage.
They trained hard for their mission.
They had to use THE FORCE
Which prepared them for their biggest test. Fighting Darth Vadar and his wife??? mistress???
Each kiddo got their own chance to fight the bad guys.
In the end, the dark side was defeated by all the Jedis!! Hooray!
We took in the Indiana Jones stunt show before dinner. It made us realize the boys have never seen Indiana Jones! (Side note - we watched it when we got home!)
We ate dinner at the SciFi Diner where we got to sit in a 1950's style car and watch a dine-in movie. The boys were so exhausted and the entire restaurant was eerily quiet because everyone was watching the Sci-Fi movies and cartoons. We ate a great dinner with a truly hilarious waiter.
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Stole this off Disney's site because I didn't take a picture. |
We did a couple more rides to round out the day. After 12 hours, we called it a day. I think everyone slept well that night...even in the wrapping paper sheets.
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