Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Qualified Delay

Luke is our little introvert. Evan is our extrovert. Luke loves to watch his surroundings for a long time before playing. Evan wants to jump into the action immediately. Luke is strong but silent. Evan is strong, but anything but silent. I am really happy I have both ends of the spectrum.

For example, take how they approach a new toy so differently:

Luke carefully inspects his new toy.

Evan falls to the floor to immediately put it to good use. Time is a wasting people!

Luke watches how big brother plays with the toy while testing some of the buttons.

Yes, I know it is blurry. I am hoping to convey the amount of movement this boy does!

One still moving; one still sitting.

Luke finally gets in on the playing action...kinda...

I know it is early to assign a personality to my kids. I was so shy in Kindergarten that I remember hiding behind a curtain when I was introduced to my new neighbors. I was also very quiet. So, yes, I know that things can change. But right now, this is what my sweet little guys are like.

I didn't put much thought into Luke not having a lot of words at a one year. I have read and heard a lot about second children not speaking as soon or as much. I just assumed his vocabulary was building in his head, and he would talk when he had something to say. At his 15 month appointment, he still didn't have any words. Since I knew this was 'not normal' I talked to my pediatrician about it. I love my ped. He is amazing. He teaches a very practical style of parenting. He told us to contact TEIS just to get the process started. I sat on it for about a week before I made the call. When I finally called them, the process went really fast.

After the initial screening, which was me answering a lot of questions, Luke was evaluated, and it was determined he has a 40% delay in expressive communication. Receptive communication, fine motor, gross motor and social skills were right on track. Expressive communication includes things like waving hi and bye, talking (obviously), imitating facial expressions and more. TEIS is a great program. It is free through the state of Tennessee for any child with a 40% delay in one area or a 20% delays in two areas. Once the delay is established free therapy is proved by the state. They will come to Luke's school on his schedule and complete age appropriate play activities to help build his expressive communication.

Strange things are happening though. I am usually a very anxious worrier. I like to have things planned and scheduled and this isn't in my plans. But, I have such a peace about this. I have no anxiety. No worry. I am not nervous he isn't speaking. I am not worried he is now labeled "delayed". I have a new attitude about things. I have tried to amp up the quality and quantity of my prayer life. Ashamed, I admit I was slacking in this department toward the end of last year. I would pray when bad things happened to my friends, or major life changes were approaching, or catastrophic events in the world were taking place. I became lazy in prayers of thanks for my blessings. I became complacent in praying for my husband and our marriage, our kids, or general every day things. I turned a corner when I realized how much praying brings me closer to God and allows me to a better disciple. I quickly found I was right. I have had a couple big life altering things come up in the past 5 weeks all which I have lifted up in prayer. I have such a peace about most of the things that are happening. Luke's delay is one of them. I am not worried about him. I am not worried about his speech. I am not worried about his delay. I just have that gut feeling it really is all going to be okay.

I meet with our social worker next week to set some goals for Luke and talk about therapy times. I am excited that the process didn't take three months as planned. I am anxious to see what kinds of play based activities they are going to do. But I am really looking forward to hearing all the things Luke has to say. :)

Have you ever had experience with Early Intervention or communication delay? If so, do you mind sharing your story?


  1. What a sweetie, Amanda! As you know, Cohen gets Early Intervention services through Maryland and he actually just had an evaluation on the 3rd. I'm anxiously awaiting the full report but they "evaluated" that he had a greater than 25% delay in communication, social-emotional, and adaptive skills. We start therapy with a speech teacher soon. Hugs!

  2. I have one child with autism, anf one with Aspergers, my autistic daughter had EI since 22 months, she was 2 yrs old and not speaking. EI was and still is amazing. She now attends a 5 day a week FREE preschool program through special education. She is now talking! He'll get there, I think he just wants to take everything in and isn't in a big rush to talk :) does he understand what you are saying to him? I.E. "look at the kitty!" or look! Ball! Does he attempt to look around at things he recognizes when you speak to him?

  3. Melissa - keeping my fingers crossed for sweet Cohen!!!

    April - He does seem to understand exactly what we are saying. When we say that we are going upstairs he will run to the steps. If I ask him to put something in my hand he will. But he won't acknowledge someone when I ask him to. He makes plenty of eye contact while we are speaking to him, but if I ask him, "Where's daddy?" he won't search the room to find him. He'll do some imitating things like put his finger to his lips and say shhhh or pat his head when asked 'where is your head?' but that is about it. Oh, if you ask him where his belly is he lifts his shirt all the way over his face. LOL! That's just funny to us.

  4. I am glad to read that you aren't worrying. I think we've both recently experienced that sensation of being at peace in a situation where we would typically worry. It's a nice reminder that God always has His hand in things. Even when we become complacent in our prayer lives (as I often do), His love for us never fails and His plans for us never falter!

  5. i tried posting here the other day but it wouldnt let me from my phone!!! just wanted to tell you i loved you and you are so awesome!!! i know that Luke will be just fine! ALL things work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to HIs purpose! (((((hug))))) :)

  6. You know what? are an amazing Mom!!! I love you!

  7. Thank you Jennifer, Jennie and Rainey! You guys are a huge support system for me. :)
