Sunday, August 18, 2013

First Week or Kindergarten

My BIG boy started Kindergarten last week!! How did this happen??

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He is blessed with two amazing teachers, Mrs. Finney and Miss Monroe. Mrs. Finney has taught at St. George's for 30 years. This is Miss Monroe's first year to teach. We are so lucky!

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He has so many friends in his class, old and new!
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From PK to SK, these two are true blue friends!

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This year something very special happens. The SK kiddos get to eat in the lunchroom!! Evan has been completely stoked about buying his lunch. I went in Friday to catch the action. I warned Mrs. Finney he is the pickiest eater ever, but we were going to give it a try. He told me he was going to buy chicken and popcorn. So, I just sent apples. When I went to check on him he had an apple, a sugar cookie and an ice cream on his tray. Needless to say he had not made it past Mrs. Finney's watchful eye yet. He was told to go put a dessert back. I explained he had apples, so he didn't need another apple. So he put that back. We have some work to do.
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So I asked him why he didn't get the chicken and popcorn. He informed me they didn't have that today. What I found out later was the cafeteria made popcorn chicken the day before. Note to self: chicken and popcorn equals popcorn chicken. Also, print the menu, mom!

Mrs. Finney asked the cafeteria to make him a PB sandwich on wheat and they obliged. Little did they know just how picky my son is. This is the kid who refused to eat regular PB when it was bought on accident the other day. He only will eat reduced fat PB. Uuuuuugh!

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Either way, both he and I will learn. If he's happy, I'm happy.
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