Sunday, August 18, 2013

The night before Kindergarten

Evan has been attending 'school' since he was 3 months old. He is used to being away from us during the day and we are used to saying goodbye. He still runs to me in the afternoon shouting my name and still grab him in a hug as soon as I see him.

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Evan's first day of daycare - August 2008
Since he has been going to school so long, I didn't think Kindergarten would affect me. And for the most part, it hasn't. Except for the Sunday night before he started.

Evan choose to read "The Kissing Hand" for his night time story. If you have never read "The Kissing Hand", it is a story about a little raccoon going off to school for the first time. He is scared and wants to stay home. His mom tells him about a secret, the kissing hand. She kissed the middle of his palm and tells him her kiss will stay with him the entire day. If he misses her, he can put his hand on his cheek and feel her love.
It was the part of the story where Chester, the little raccoon, decides to kiss his mommy's hand so she won't miss him that I lost it.

First days of PK, JK and SK
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My boy is growing up.

I never thought he'd be old enough to go to Kindergarten and one day he's going to go to middle school and high school and then leave me for college.

And there is nothing I can do to slow this process down.

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So as I laid there blubbering through the end of the story, Evan didn't say a word. He hasn't seen me cry much, but he always acknowledges when I do. That night he tucked himself as tight as he could into my chest. When the story was over, Evan sat up, uncurled my hand and kissed it. Then he said, "Don't worry momma, if you put that hand on your cheek you'll know I'll be with you."

And I will be with you Evan. I will always be with you.

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