We had FOUR Christmases this year. The boys were in heaven. :)
Christmas number one happened on Christmas Eve. Our Christmas Eve party was a little smaller and a little calmer this year, but just as much fun! We had delicious food, sweet family and lots of laughs.
The first present we opened was from Uncle Fred! He read a post I put on Facebook a couple days prior about Luke asking for cookies for Christmas. He whipped up a batch of Toll House cookies for the boys, which is an Asbell favorite. Since they arrived Christmas Eve we thought all the Asbell boys could enjoy Uncle Fred's gift.
We had all our traditional "in front of the Christmas tree" shots. I wasn't feeling 100% so I sadly didn't get as many pictures as I normally do. We had passed around a fever virus and sinus thing and I was just getting over it all. This really does make me sad, but I know there are lot of pictures of our family out there.
And, of course there was lots and lots of presents.

The boys got Nonna a lava lamp this year. Nonna has always wanted, but never had a lava lamp. She mentioned this on Thanksgiving, so I jumped on it. As soon as it was opened Evan (as Evan always does) had 100 questions. Nonna plugged the lava lamp in for Evan to see. Over the next 3 hours we watched it bubble and turn and melt and become a lava lamp. Evan, for some reason, kept calling it the lava-nator.
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