Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wisemen and Santa

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Christmas is a very special time. We get to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. We get to see family we haven't seen in a long time. We get time off of work and school. It's a grand celebration! But in the center of that, for our family, is Jesus. I have really tried to keep Christ in Christmas this year. Santa is huge and I don't want to take away that magical part of Christmas. Our elf is great (even if I want to stab that thing in the eye at 3:30 in the morning when I remember I haven't move the d@mn thing...) and Evan loves finding him each morning and talking to him throughout the day. We don't put a lot of focus on 'being good' for Santa or the Elf. Don't get me wrong, in times of desperation I will call on that jolly fat man in a red suit. But mainly we keep pushing forward with the philosophy that we want to be good people so we show Christ's love to others. So this year, Santa brought Evan and Luke 3 presents each. Jesus got three presents from the wisemen and without Jesus, we wouldn't celebrate Christmas.

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I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about telling Evan this. I thought he would balk. I thought he might cry, but more than that, I was afraid that I was going to kill Christmas for him. I saw an article going around Facebook, but didn't click on it, about giving children a lot on Christmas. I didn't click on it because I felt guilty. I felt guilty for limiting my kids presents. What is going to happen when Evan goes back to school and all his friends are talking about the 10-20-30 presents they got?

But then I remembered, I am not doing this for everyone else. I am doing this for my family, and EVERY FAMILY IS DIFFERENT. I don't judge what other people do, why am I worried about judgement on my family?? Do you remember specific presents you got throughout the year? I don't. I take that back. I remember getting a Cabbage Patch doll. But all the other gifts over my lifetime....not really. Not that they weren't special or fun! I know I loved opening them Christmas morning. But do you know what I do remember? I remember getting all the Christmas records (yes, large circular vinyl things) out to decorate the tree. I remember my mom making tons of goodies; fudge, chex mix, cookies. I remember traveling to see family in Missouri. I remember the memories we made during Christmas.

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So that is what I was to give my kids. I want them to remember baking sugar cut out cookies and decorating them. I want them to remember family coming in town. I want them to remember driving around trying to find the best lights display. I want them to remember Starry Nights. I want them to remember our Christmas Eve party. I want them to remember having fun.

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So my goal each Christmas from now on? Make memories. Remember to have fun. Focus on Jesus. 

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