First there was the annual freak out over the turkey...
And here I thought I had it all figured out. I roasted what was deemed "the best turkey ever" last year I thought this year would be a piece of cake.
Of course it wasn't.
I started freaking out over whether to brine or not. There is so much information out there about each option being the best and the other one being the worst (dern internet). So I did what any red blooded American does, I took it to a Facebook debate. While I got a lot of great feedback, the winner was a neighbor who literally hand delivered to my doorstep, some William Sonoma brine mix, a brining bag and a turkey recipe. Patricia you are my hero!!!!
Oh how I wish that was the end of the freak out. For some reason, after 5 or 6 times with 5 or 6 different calculators, I put the turkey in the oven too early. It was done almost 4 hours before dinner!! The little thermometer popped right out of that thing before noon. And on top of that, I forgot to put it in the turkey bag Janice gave me the day before! Thankfully, because of John's cool head, we were able to keep it warm without over cooking it and save Day After Thanksgiving.
(But there was no saving those damn brussel sprouts...aka snot wads. Ps. Everybody that ate them said they turned out great but they sure didn't look pretty.)
Evan made name tags for almost everyone. He was all in until Lane got here. Then he abandoned ship and went out to shoot the bow and arrow.

While he was making these name tags, I accidentally cut myself with a knife. That prompted him to write me a secret note that I didn't find until halfway through my dinner. #cursethatknife

This year we were soooo lucky to have Lane join us. These boys are just the absolute cutest things together.
Baby Callie also woke up just in time for some sweet snuggles from me!
After 7 hours on my feet of non-stop food prep, cleaning, and cooking, I told John we weren't doing this next year. Of course, he looked at me, smiled, and said, "okay, honey." Seriously, what would I do without him.
Sadly, I don't have a lot of pictures from either Thanksgiving celebrations, but that's okay. I think I spent more time living the day rather than documenting day.
It was a great day...and it will keep being my favorite day of the entire year.