Friday, December 30, 2016

All the other stuff...

The two weeks of Christmas break are always a favorite of mine, but this year was just a little bit sweeter. I love the ages 8 and 6. These boys are fun. They are loving. They still want to please me <--- probably why I love this age. They hold my hand. They kiss me goodbye and hello. They snuggle. It's just a great age. 

This December was filled with a lot of great memories that I don't want to forget.

Both the boys wrote letters to Santa.

They had Christmas programs! This is the ONLY year they both will wear a cotta. Luke has 2 more times to wear one for his 1st and 3rd grade Christmas program. Evan is all done. :(
This year Evan had a special part in his program. He played the handchime. I think he picked this to by like his Gran who plays the handbells at church. 

We had our annual A Stirring Christmas. This was my favorite part of the night.

The boys had awesome Christmas parties!!

We did holiday baking and holiday decorating!

We snuggled...a lot.

We got our Uncle Fred Christmas cookies!!

We had EPIC nerf gun battles. (Daddy needs eye protection next time.)

But most importantly, we spent time with the people we love.

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