You know that saying, "There is no such thing as a free meal"? Yeah...there's really not.
Because this is what we had to do to get a free meal on 7/11/17.
Luke refused to wear the nose and ears I made him (not shocking), so I decided momma deserved a free dinner too. This is Evan hi reader I hope you are enjoying it! Now, Back to my butifull loving amazing mom. I walk away from my computer for 5 minutes...
The whole way to CFA, Luke kept saying "This is going to be so awk-ward." I was too impressed with his correct use of awkward to correct him by saying, "no, it's going to be FUN. This is fun. FUN dammit!"
Well, when we got there, needless to say...we went waaaaaaaay overboard on the whole dressing up thing. Even Evan, my extrovert, who never minds all the attention being on him said, "Mom, I think we went a little overboard." Well honey, I hate you are just now noticing, but your mom tends to go overboard on almost everything she does.
Dear Chick-Fil-A, Now that I have experienced Dress Like A Cow Day, I have a couple suggestions.
1. If you are dressed head to toe like a cow, you get whatever you want off the menu. You earned that delicious chicken that might be laced with crack it's so addictive.
2. If you see a mom with two children dressed like cows hiding behind her back, give her a little support, like a free bottle of wine. Cheer her on...pat her on the back...acknowledge her dedication...with wine.
3. If someone comes in with a cow picture taped to their chest, they get a house salad..with no chicken. That's not dedication people.
The best adult cow in Collierville on 7/11/17
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